Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fice' - The Musical

This was our 24 hour film festival entry this year. Our team was:
Garrett Batty, Jake Van Wagoner, Matt Mattson, Matt Gerow, and Will Rubio (plus me).
The theme was Sacrifice believe it or not, and we had to use the words "Let me be your..." and the object was a match. Enjoy.

We won an audience choice award, and Third place in the judges competition, which ain't bad for a film with no real nutritional value.


Three Coin Productions said...

...and a great time was had by all.

Blogenstein said...

That was incredible. The flame burns on...

Brittany Krallis Stapf said...

"hey, YOU!..." you look like Pat.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what that was about, but it was fabulous.